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        Accident & Emergency Limited

        was started in 1997 by myself, Jane Ferrett,

       Managing Director & Lead Instructor.      

       I provide quality, dynamic & realistic First Aid training for the individual & large organisations. 


       All at a price that will not cost you an arm & a leg!

       I am currently running the following courses in line with my Company Covid-19 Risk Assessment:

  • Paediatric 1 & 2 day courses in line with Early Years Foundation stage Annex A Syllabus & Ofsted stipulations.

  • 18 hour/ 3 day First Aid at Work plus 12 hour/ 2 day First Aid at Work Refresher.

  • 6 hour/ 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work.

  • 2 hour CQC Syllabus for Drs' Surgeries, Medical Centres & Dentists.

  • 1 & 2 day Mental Health First Aid.

      We will use different models of Defibrillators, 4 different sized adult CPR mannequins plus child & baby CPR mannequins: 1 mannequin per delegate.

      You will have plenty of supervised practice so you are fully competent & confident.  

      All equipment is cleaned with 70+% alcohol medical grade cleaning products.  

      You will be given:  pre-course blended eLearning & a First Aid manual, specific for your course.  No need to write notes on your course.

      On the day of your course you will receive a printed A4 & laminated wallet sized certificates.  An an electronic pdf version will also be emailed to you.

      If you have any First Aid related query, please do feel free contact me via the contact below.



Dear All


During 2020 The HSE & DFe gave certificate extensions.

This extension ends on 31st March 2021. 


Then all current certificates expire on the date as stated on your certificate. 

If you are unsure of when your certificate expired or is due to expire do contact me & I can clarify for you.

Find me on LinkedIn for my qualifications & experience.

I, Jane Ferrett, became a First Aider in 1991. 


In 1993 I qualified as a First Aid Instructor & Assessor.


I worked for 4 years for various First Aid training companies.


Then in 1997 set up Accident & Emergency Limited so I could provide a bespoke training service. 

I am a hands on First Aider with plenty of real life experience.  

I even carry the smallest AED with me, a Schiller Easyport. 

Using an AED within 1 minute, of stopping normal breathing, gives a 90% chance of re-starting the heart.​

Compared to 1% of just CPR.

Back in 1997 I believed any person could learn to save a life & I still do.


Especially as many First Aiders I have trained have given amazing care.  

Contact Jane at

Accident & Emergency Ltd

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